Pomegranate Fruit

Pomegranate Fruit or Pomegranates have gained a great deal of popularity over the years. These days, the fruit is mostly grown in India, Africa and the United States. The best place for pomegranate fruit to grow is in hot climate areas.

The pomegranate fruit is now becoming more commercialized and can be found in supermarkets in a variety of forms. The most popular is pomegranate juice but there are also pomegranate jellies, pomegranate wine, and even pomegranate salad dressing.

We take pride in bringing Pomegranates to the market.

The Super Fruit!

Pomegranates are renowned for their high level of antioxidants and classified as a super fruit. Studies have shown that pomegranate contains more antioxidants than green tea, cranberries and even red wine! Its great flavor and health benefits have made it a great candidate for those who seek natural health foods.

Pomegranates belong to the berry family and are  Pomegranate fruit have a round, spherical shape. Inside, you’ll find dozens of small ruby-colored seeds. The fruit has a rich citrus flavor and is very juicy.  Many drinks and foods are made with the pomegranate fruit.

Ways to Eat

Cut the pomegranate in half (or into quarters) on a cutting board, Place one of the pomegranate sections under the water and start peeling the seeds off the skin and pith. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the bowl as the pith rises to the surface of the water. Use a hinged handheld citrus juicer (place the seeds in juicer), then gently squeeze. Hold the juicer over a bowl or large glass measuring cup as you go to avoid splatter. Enjoy fresh squeezed pomegranate juice.


Source & Availability

US Flag

California: August—January

Chile Flag

Chile: March-May

Nutritional Facts

Pomegranate Nutritionals

Fun facts

In ancient cultures, the pomegranate symbolized fertility. In Greece, the pomegranate had a strong association to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, as well as Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth. In Rome, newlywed women wore crowns woven from pomegranate leaves, and the juice of pomegranates was used to cure infertility.

The pomegranate is native from Iran to the Himalayas in northern India and was cultivated and naturalized over the whole Mediterranean region since ancient times. In the late 16th century, the Spanish brought the pomegranate to the New World, and by 1769 Spanish settlers introduced it to California where it has thrived.

Pomegranate trees grow in hot and dry climates and can live for over 200 years. The word pomegranate means apple with many seeds and also known by the names Granada or the Chinese apple.