California produces 98% of the kiwifruit grown in the United States. Our extensive domestic network of growers combined with our being the largest importer of Chilean Kiwi allows Western Fresh Marketing to provide this nutritious fruit year-round. Most of our Kiwifruit comes from California, Chile and Italy. No matter where it comes from, our Kiwifruit is guaranteed to arrive at the peak of perfection and at competitive prices.
Krazie Kiwifruit
Kiwifruit packs a lot of nutrition into a small, fuzzy package, with twice the vitamin C of an orange. Each one is loaded with nutrients that can help fight off disease, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, boost energy and help keep you healthy… All in a fruit that’s fun and flavorful! Kiwifruit grows on vines like grapes and can be used as a natural meat tenderizer.
Among health and beauty junkies, kiwifruits are popular ingredients in DIY face masks. Kiwis are rich in alpha hydroxy fruit acids, vitamin C, E and K. Kiwis are ideal for exfoliating, nourishing and anti-aging.
Ways to Eat
The best way to enjoy kiwi is by slicing one in half and scooping out the flesh with a spoon!
The outer skin on kiwi is edible and nutritious, providing 34% folate and 32% more vitamin E by taking a bite, skin and all.
Green, Gold and Red Kiwi
Source & Availability

California: October—May

Chile: March—November

Greece: October—March

Italy: October—March
Nutritional Facts

Fun facts
People have enjoyed Kiwifruit for over 700 years. Originally found in China, the fruit was called “Yang Toa” meaning “sunny peach.” They were valued by the great Khan rulers because of their beautiful green color and delicious flavor. China grows over 400 varieties of kiwifruit.
New Zealand was the first country outside of China to start growing the fruit known to them as Chinese Gooseberries. In the 1960s, America started to receive shipments of the fruit. Due to negative associations with China during the Cold War, the name was changed to kiwifruit because of its resemblance to New Zealand’s brown, fuzzy national bird, the kiwi.